Wednesday, May 13, 2009

about sexting

Ok...this is what I think about must be nice to be able to afford a cell phone
and be able to have the free time to send nude pictures of yourself. Because the way I feel is
this: it sounds like noone around you is having any trouble during this recession and you don't need to help a family member either emotionally, physically or financially during these hard times and I also guess that you have the time to send naked pictures of yourself instead of going out on a limb for friends, family, or neighbors who may need a loaf of bread. I think sexting right now is selfish
it is causing trouble for everyone...who the hell has the time to deal with this, zip up your pants, put on your friggin clothes and get into the real world, look to your left and look to your right no matter how young or old you are, someone is having trouble financially and may have to either lose their home, the car, or their job!.......And here you are with your head in the sand playing with yourself and your god damn cell phone...HEY all you parents out there...I have an idea...if you are late paying your bills and your teen is sexting on the cell you pay for...I GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO THROW IT IN THE GARBAGE....And hey I can stand by what I say, just ask my two daughters who not to long ago had their cell phones disconnected because I was mad they went over their limits too many times...forget about sexting. So here you are paying for this thing you can't afford, plus maybe a private education wich you can't afford, because you want your teen to be "a somebody special" someday , only for some creep who brings these nasty pics out of thing is snap out of it!!....if your teen is sexting thats just an itsy bitsy glimpse at what they are doing..if you can't take a cell away you are doomed for sure......take the cell away and make them get a gosh darn job to help keep your house and stop relying on us other clean taxpayers to bail you out and put food on your table.